Injection Moulding Technique - Hands-on

Referent: Dr. David Geštakovski, Zagreb/Kroatien

(Kurssprache: Englisch)

Ort: ZÄF, Würzburger Straße 150, 63743 Aschaffenburg

10 Fortbildungspunkte nach den Richtlinien der BZÄK und DGZMK

Unser Referent Dr. David Geštakovski stellt Ihnen seine neue Behandlungsmethode „Injection-Moulding-Technique“ in einem praktischen Demo-und Hands-On Kurs vor. Mit der Injection-Moulding-Technik lassen sich zuverlässig dauerhaft besser vorhersagbare Ergebnisse erzielen; diese ist gegenüber der Freihand-Composite-Schichtung einfacher.

„In the full day hands-on course participants will learn all important aspects of injectable technique to use it next day in their clinic.

Case selection and indication for injectable technique in anteriors will be described, followed with material selection. Detailed instruction on how to plan the case, prepare the wax up will be given. Mockup stage, as the most important part of the planning will be demonstrated. Production of transparent silicone index will be explained, demonstrated and each participant will make its own transparent silicone index.

After the break full protocol of Injectable technique with finishing and polishing in anteriors will be explained and demonstrated. Different clinical situations will be shown, with different possible modifications of injectable technique which gives us opportunity to make polychromatic composite veneers with injectable technique (cut-back technique, combination with layering and shade mixing technique). Participants will do 4 veneers and have chance to try 4 different modifications of injectable technique.”

Preise:  Mitglied: 700,- €                Nichtmitglied:  850,- €

Bitte zum Kurs mitbringen:

Modellierinstrumente, Polierset und Lupenbrille




Doctor of dental medicine, School of dental medicine, University of Zagreb; Working experience: 3Dental (Dublin, Ireland), Ordinacija Geštakovski (Zagreb, Croatia); Specialised for composite veneers, INJECTABLE TECHNIQUE - holding educations, workshops and webinars about Injectable technique – international speaker; Author of publication in Quintessence International (QI) and International Journal of Esthetic Dentistry (IJED); GC key opinion leader on Injectable technique, and clinical moderator “Dental scenarios” group.; Running educational platform „Injecble technique by David Geštakovski“ -; YUBAT congress (Istanbul 2018.) – Best Clinical Application award; Member of HDEDM (Croatian Association of Esthetic Dentistry); Awarded with rectors and deans award. Scholarship recipient from University of Zagreb and city of Zagreb (2013-2018).; Additional education:

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